Summary: Burnout, a pervasive condition affecting healthcare professionals, particularly physicians, manifests as mental and physical exhaustion stemming from the demanding nature of their profession. The healthcare sector of the twenty-first century faces substantial challenges, with burnout emerging as a prominent issue due to the stress and uncertainties encountered by doctors in their work. However, there remains a dearth of information regarding the extent of burnout among frontline doctors in Bangladesh, despite its potential impact on physician performance and patient care during resid
Summary: Burnout, a pervasive condition affecting healthcare professionals, particularly physicians, manifests as mental and physical exhaustion stemming from the demanding nature of their profession. The healthcare sector of the twenty-first century faces substantial challenges, with burnout emerging as a prominent issue due to the stress and uncertainties encountered by doctors in their work. However, there remains a dearth of information regarding the extent of burnout among frontline doctors in Bangladesh, despite its potential impact on physician performance and patient care during residency training. This study aims to address this gap by examining the prevalence of burnout among postgraduate trainees working in various tertiary care hospitals. Specifically, the study will be conducted in a cross-sectional design, encompassing 388 FCPS trainees and MD/MS resident physicians from Bangladesh Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), and Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH). Participants will be selected from multiple faculties, including medicine, surgery, pediatrics, as well as basic and paraclinical disciplines within the selected tertiary care hospitals. Over a period of six months, the study will be carried out following ethical clearance obtained from the Public Health Foundation. Data collection will involve detailed interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire encompassing socio-demographic, job-related, and burnout-related inquiries. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory will be employed to determine the levels of burnout experienced by participants. IBM SPSS Statistics, version 23.0, will be utilized for statistical analysis.